childrens Ministry
The Lion’s Den
Our team ministers to children through Bible stories, worship, prayer, hands-on activities, and personal interactions. It invests in the lives of children through worship, biblical teaching, videos, small groups, and games.
Our Vision
TWC Kids Ministry provides services and care for Christian Development to youth between 3-12 years of age. We will engage the mind, body, and soul with biblical principles that build a strong foundation for a life that will be devoted to God.
The vision of TWC Kids Ministry is focused on the Great Commission we are called to fulfill:
"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthews 21: 19.20)
Core Values and Beliefs
Here, at Trinity Worship Center, we understand that we are developing the next generation of leaders. A privilege that we do not take lightly. We delight in providing our children with a true experience with God; which is accomplished through sound, biblical-based teaching, in a fun environment, and a teaching staff that loves children.
On a weekly basis, we teach our children the core values of TWC Kids Ministry:
Bible Believing
Prayer Dependent
Growing Strong
Learning Goals
I can explain the existence of God.
I can explain the power of prayer.
I can explain how to pray and hear the voice of God.
I can explain God's Love.
Contact us.
For questions regarding kid’s ministry please contact Michele Jones.